GroupDocs.Annotation for Java 17.1.0 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Annotation for Java 17.1.0
Major Features
Below the list of improvements fixes and new features in this regular monthly release of GroupDocs.Annotation for Java. The most notable are:
- Implement annotations import from Word documents
- Implement auto-import annotations when opening PDF documents
- Add native Word annotations after export to Word documents different types of annotations
- Fix users permission for Delete annotations
- Implemented following for slides documents:
- Point annotation
- Area annotation
- ResourceRedaction annotation
- Arrow annotation
- TextField annotation
- Polyline annotation
- Watermark annotation
- Show and store annotation author when export annotation for PDF documents
Implemented following for slides documents:
- TextHighlight annotation
- TextStrikeout annotation
- TextUndreline annotation
Implemented ability to import following annotations:
- Import of ResourceRedaction annotation
- Import of Text Field annotation
- Import of Area annotation
- Import of Arrow annotation
- Import of Polyline annotation
- Import of Watermark annotation
- Import of Point annotation
Implemented following annotations for images:
- Watermart annotation
- Polyline annotation
- Text Underline annotation
- Text Strikeout annotation
- TextField annotation
- Point annotation
- Resource Redaction annotation
- Area annotation
Implemented annotating documents of following types:
- GIF (static images without animation)
Fixed following bugs:
- When exporting Slide document TextField annotation hasn’t text
- For Slides format fix background when import Resource Redaction annotation
- Increase number of integration test for improving quality of product
Fixed bug with wrong annotation orientation (After export PDF annotations are shifted to other place)
Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release
Key | Summary | Category |
ANNOTATIONNET-249 | Import TextField annotation from Words Documents | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-236 | Implement TextRedaction annotation import from Word | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-244 | Implement Shape annotations import from Word | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-237 | Implement TextStrikeout annotation import from Word | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-238 | Implement Underline annotation import from Word | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-235 | Implement Area annotation import from Word | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-234 | Implement Text annotation import from Word | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-230 | Add native Word annotations after export Word documents to Text Replacement annotation | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-224 | Add native Word annotations after export Word documents | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-228 | Add native Word annotations after export Word documents to Strikeout annotation | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-282 | Implement Watermark annotation for Slides format | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-276 | Implement Area annotation for Slides format | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-275 | Implement Arrow annotation for Slides format | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-273 | Implement Text Field annotation in Slides document | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-272 | Implement Polyline annotation for Slides format | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-271 | Implement Point annotation for Slides format | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-303 | Implement Strikeout annotation for Slides format | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-302 | Implement Undreline annotation for Slides format | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-301 | Implement Highlight annotation for Slides format | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-296 | Implement import of Text Field annotation for Slides | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-295 | Implement import of Point annotation for Slides | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-294 | Implement import of Resource Redaction annotation for Slides | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-293 | Implement import of Watermark annotation for Slides | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-292 | Implement import of Polyline annotation for Slides | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-291 | Implement import of Arrow annotation for Slides | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-290 | Implement import of Area annotation for Slides | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-320 | Implement Watermark annotation for images | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-319 | Implement Polyline annotation for images | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-318 | Implement Text Underline annotation for images | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-317 | Implement Text Strikeout annotations for images | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-316 | Implement TextField annotation for images | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-315 | Implement Point annotation for images | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-314 | Implement Resource Redaction annotation for images | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-313 | Implement Area annotation for images | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-337 | Implement annotating GIF format static images (without animation) | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-332 | Implement annotating TIFF format images | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-331 | Implement annotating BMP format images | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-329 | Implement annotating JPEG format images | New Feature |
ANNOTATIONNET-241 | Implement option for ability to auto-import annotations when opening PDF documents | Improvement |
ANNOTATIONNET-266 | Show and store annotation author when export annotation for PDF documents | Improvement |
ANNOTATIONNET-250 | Fix users permission for Delete annotations | Bug |
ANNOTATIONNET-298 | Arrow annotation imported incorrectly on several Words documents | Bug |
ANNOTATIONNET-311 | Wrong annotation orientation (After export PDF annotations are shifted to other place) | Bug |
ANNOTATIONNET-335 | While exporting Slide document TextField annotation hasn’t text | Bug |
ANNOTATIONNET-324 | Fix background when import Resource Redaction annotation (for slides) | Bug |
ANNOTATIONJAVA-904 | Quality doesn’t work | Bug |
ANNOTATIONJAVA-915 | Search functionality doesn’t work for one pdf | Bug |
ANNOTATIONJAVA-856 | Incorrect rendering “strickeout text” annotation after import | Bug |
ANNOTATIONJAVA-877 | Localization works only after a document was rendered | Bug |
ANNOTATIONJAVA-907 | Access callbacks ExportPdf and ExportWord do not works | Bug |
ANNOTATIONJAVA-911 | Performance issue with .pdf document that has a lot of images | Bug |
ANNOTATIONJAVA-764 | Document comments reply issues | Bug |
ANNOTATIONJAVA-910 | Issue with showing Excel groups | Bug |
Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes
This section lists public API changes that were introduced in GroupDocs.Annotation for Java 17.1.0. It includes not only new and obsoleted public methods, but also a description of any changes in the behavior behind the scenes in GroupDocs.Annotation which may affect existing code. Any behavior introduced that could be seen as a regression and modifies existing behavior is especially important and is documented here.
- Added ability to import annotations from Words documents
- Added ability to annotate Slides documents with different annotations types
- Added ability to import annotations from Slides documents
- Added ability to add text annotations to Slides documents (TextHighlight, TextStrikeout, TextUnderline)
- Added ability to annotate images
- Added new formats to annotating images article