GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 16.11.0 Release Notes

Major Features

Below the list of improvements fixes and new features in this regular monthly release of GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET. The most notable are:

  • Implemented following for slides documents:
    • TextHighlight annotation
    • TextStrikeout annotation
    • TextUndreline annotation
  • Implemented ability to import following annotations:
    • Import of Resource Redaction annotation
    • Import of Text Field annotation 
    • Import of Area annotation
    • Import of Arrow annotation
    • Import of Polyline annotation
    • Import of Watermark annotation
    • Import of Point annotation

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

ANNOTATIONNET-303Implement Strikeout annotation for Slides formatNew Feature
ANNOTATIONNET-302Implement Undreline annotation for Slides formatNew Feature
ANNOTATIONNET-301Implement Highlight annotation for Slides formatNew Feature
ANNOTATIONNET-296Implement import of Text Field annotation for SlidesNew Feature
ANNOTATIONNET-295Implement import of Point annotation for SlidesNew Feature
ANNOTATIONNET-294Implement import of Resource Redaction annotation for SlidesNew Feature
ANNOTATIONNET-293Implement import of Watermark annotation for SlidesNew Feature
ANNOTATIONNET-292Implement import of Polyline annotation for SlidesNew Feature
ANNOTATIONNET-291Implement import of Arrow annotation for SlidesNew Feature
ANNOTATIONNET-290Implement import of Area annotation for SlidesNew Feature
ANNOTATIONNET-298Arrow annotation imported incorrectly on several Words documentsBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Example of Importing annotations to Presentation documents

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            AnnotationConfig cfg = new AnnotationConfig();
            cfg.StoragePath = "StorageFolder";
            AnnotationImageHandler annotator = new AnnotationImageHandler(cfg);
            new License().SetLicense("C:/lic/GroupDocs.Total_from-20160713.lic");
            Stream input = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("ImportAnnotationsSlides.TestData.testSlideImport.pptx");
            AnnotationInfo[] annotations = annotator.ImportAnnotations(input, DocumentType.Slides);
            Stream clearDocument = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("ImportAnnotationsSlides.TestData.testSlidesClear.pptx");
            Stream output = annotator.ExportAnnotationsToDocument(clearDocument, annotations.ToList(), DocumentType.Slides);
            using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("../../testSlidesExported.pptx", FileMode.Create))
                byte[] buffer = new byte[output.Length];
                output.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                output.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

Example of creating Annotations of different types (for Presentation formats)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using GroupDocs.Annotation;
using GroupDocs.Annotation.Config;
using GroupDocs.Annotation.Domain;
using GroupDocs.Annotation.Handler;
namespace AddAnnotationsSlides
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<AnnotationInfo> annotations;
            AnnotationConfig cfg = new AnnotationConfig();
            cfg.StoragePath = "StorageFolder";

            AnnotationImageHandler annotator = new AnnotationImageHandler(cfg);
            new License().SetLicense("proper_path_to_license");
            Stream cleanPresentation =  new FileStream("../../AddAnnotationsSlides.TestData.testSlides.pptx", FileMode.Open,FileAccess.ReadWrite);
            annotations = new List<AnnotationInfo>();
            AnnotationInfo pointAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo()
                PageNumber = 0,
                Type = AnnotationType.Point,
                Box = new Rectangle(100, 100, 0, 0),
                FieldText = "Hello!",
                CreatorName = "John"
            AnnotationInfo areaAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo()
                CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                Type = AnnotationType.Area,
                PageNumber = 0,
                Box = new Rectangle(100, 72.7f, 50, 50),
                BackgroundColor = -15988609
            AnnotationInfo arrowAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo()
                Type = AnnotationType.Arrow,
                CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                PageNumber = 0,
                Box = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100),
                BackgroundColor = 15988609
            AnnotationInfo polylineAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo()
                Type = AnnotationType.Polyline,
                CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                Box = new Rectangle((float)250.82807922363281, (float)35.632957458496094, (float)102.70676422119141, (float)12.576337814331055),
                PageNumber = 0,
                PenColor = 65015,
                SvgPath = "M250.8280751173709,48.209295774647885l0.6986854460093896,0l0.6986854460093896,-1.3973708920187793l0.6986854460093896,0l0.6986854460093896,-1.3973708920187793l1.3973708920187793,
            AnnotationInfo resourceRedactionAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo()
                CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                Type = AnnotationType.ResourcesRedaction,
                PageNumber = 0,
                Box = new Rectangle(100, 72.7f, 50, 50)
            AnnotationInfo textFieldAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo()
                CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                Type = AnnotationType.TextField,
                PageNumber = 0,
                Box = new Rectangle(100, 72.7f, 50, 50),
                FontColor = -15988609,
                FieldText = "some text",
                FontFamily = "times new roman"
            AnnotationInfo watermarkAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo()
                CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                Type = AnnotationType.Watermark,
                FieldText = "This is watermark",
                FontFamily = "arial",
                Box = new Rectangle(100,50,50,0),
                FontSize = 25,
                FontColor = -15988609

            //Text annotations
            AnnotationInfo textAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                Box = new Rectangle(50, 510.9f, 454.73f, 29.08f),
                PageNumber = 0,
                SvgPath = "[{\"x\":200,\"y\":510.92},{\"x\":454.73,\"y\":510.92},{\"x\":200,\"y\":539.98},{\"x\":454.73,\"y\":539.98}]",
                Type = AnnotationType.Text,
                CreatorName = "Anonym A."

            AnnotationInfo strikeoutAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                Box = new Rectangle(0, 510.92f, 454.73f, 29.08f),
                PageNumber = 0,
                SvgPath = "[{\"x\":0,\"y\":510.92},{\"x\":454.73,\"y\":510.92},{\"x\":0,\"y\":539.98},{\"x\":454.73,\"y\":539.98}]",
                Type = AnnotationType.TextStrikeout,
                CreatorName = "Anonym A."

            AnnotationInfo underlineAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                Box = new Rectangle(0, 510.92f, 454.73f, 29.08f),
                PageNumber = 0,
                SvgPath = "[{\"x\":0,\"y\":510.92},{\"x\":454.73,\"y\":510.92},{\"x\":0,\"y\":539.98},{\"x\":454.73,\"y\":539.98}]",
                Type = AnnotationType.TextUnderline,
                CreatorName = "Anonym A."


            Stream result = annotator.ExportAnnotationsToDocument(cleanPresentation, annotations, DocumentType.Slides);
            using(FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("../../Annotated.pptx", FileMode.Create))
                byte[] buffer = new byte[result.Length];
                result.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                result.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);