GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 3.1.0 Release Notes

Major Features

This is the version of new generation GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET. The most notable features are:

  • Added ability of native annotating Words documents
  • Improved performance of document Viewing
  • Added ability to export annotated Words documents

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

ANNOTATIONNET-196Implement getting not all pages of document at once (performance improvenet)Improvement
ANNOTATIONNET-197Increase slow Performance on big fileImprovement
ANNOTATIONNET-216Implement proper exception for unsuported annotations for Slides and Cells formatsImprovement
ANNOTATIONNET-189Implement ResourceRedaction annotation in Word documentsNew Feature
ANNOTATIONNET-191Implement Strikeout annotation in Word documentsNew Feature
ANNOTATIONNET-190Implement TextField annotation in Word documentsNew Feature
ANNOTATIONNET-187Implement Text Replacement in Words documents (comments)New Feature
ANNOTATIONNET-188Implement TextHighlight annotation in Word documentsNew Feature
ANNOTATIONNET-211Implement Text Area annotatoin in Words documentsNew Feature
ANNOTATIONNET-213Update open-source WebUI sample to use GroupDocs.Annotation 3.1.0New Feature
ANNOTATIONNET-198Implement document export to WordNew Feature

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Example of creating Annotations of different types (for Words format) Skip to end of metadata

Text Annotation

            AnnotationInfo textAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                PageNumber = 0,
                SvgPath = "[{\"x\":186.698,\"y\":706.196},{\"x\":318.41201,\"y\":706.196},{\"x\":186.698,\"y\":697.196},{\"x\":318.41201,\"y\":697.196}]",
                Type = AnnotationType.Text

Area Annnotation

            AnnotationInfo areaAnnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                BackgroundColor = 11111111,
                Box = new Rectangle(87.9f, 276.5f, 435.7f, 87f),
                PageNumber = 0,
                Type = AnnotationType.Area

Strikeout Annotation

            AnnotationInfo strikeoutAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                Box = new Rectangle(87.9f, 276.5f, 435.7f, 87f),
                PageNumber = 0,
                PenColor = 1201033,
                SvgPath = "[{\"x\":208.392,\"y\":313.088},{\"x\":519.659,\"y\":313.088},{\"x\":208.392,\"y\":304.088},{\"x\":519.659,\"y\":304.088}]",
                Type = AnnotationType.TextStrikeout

Text Field Annotation

            AnnotationInfo textFieldAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                FieldText = "text in the box",
                FontFamily = "Arial",
                FontSize = 10,
                Box = new Rectangle(92f, 73f, 106f, 45f),
                PageNumber = 1,
                Type = AnnotationType.TextField,

Text Replacement Annotation

            AnnotationInfo textReplacementAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                FieldText = " \"REPLACED TEXT\" ",
                FontSize = 10,
                SvgPath = "[{\"x\":251.224,\"y\":637.20401},{\"x\":327.89,\"y\":637.20401},{\"x\":251.224,\"y\":628.20401},{\"x\":327.89,\"y\":628.20401}]",
                PageNumber = 0,
                Type = AnnotationType.TextReplacement,

Arrow Annotation

            AnnotationInfo arrowAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                Box = new Rectangle(479f, 218f, -261f, -89f),
                PageNumber = 0,
                Type = AnnotationType.Arrow,

Text Redaction Annotation

            AnnotationInfo textRedactionAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                PageNumber = 1,
                SvgPath = "[{\"x\":72,\"y\":676.07},{\"x\":196.427,\"y\":676.074},{\"x\":72,\"y\":662.674},{\"x\":196.427,\"y\":662.674}]",
                Type = AnnotationType.TextRedaction,

Resource Redaction Annotation

            AnnotationInfo resourceRedactionAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                Box = new Rectangle(69f, 337f, 449f, 118f),
                PageNumber = 1,
                Type = AnnotationType.ResourcesRedaction,

Underline Annotation

            AnnotationInfo underlineAnnotation = new AnnotationInfo
                PageNumber = 1,
                SvgPath = "[{\"x\":415.17499,\"y\":628.874},{\"x\":511.85101,\"y\":628.874},{\"x\":415.17499,\"y\":619.874},{\"x\":511.85101,\"y\":619.874}]",
                Type = AnnotationType.TextUnderline