GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 20.11 Release Notes

Major Features

Below the list of most notable changes in release of GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 20.11:

  • Implemented generating of specified worksheet columns for the Cells format
  • Improved Cells generating preview by splitting the worksheet into multiple images
  • Fixed Empty PagesInfo in specific diagram file

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release 

ANNOTATIONNET-1537Investigate the way of displaying huge worksheets of SpreadsheetImprovement
ANNOTATIONNET-1514Incorrect image size for Excel documentBug
ANNOTATIONNET-1540PagesInfo is emptyBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

New WorksheetColumns property in PreviewOptions class that allows to specify the range of generated columns on a specified worksheet.

Example how to use it:

PreviewOptions previewOptions =
    new PreviewOptions(pageNumber => new FileStream($"preview_pages/page{pageNumber}.png", FileMode.Create),
        (number, stream) => stream.Dispose());
previewOptions.WorksheetColumns.Add(new WorksheetColumnsRange("Sheet1", 2, 3));
previewOptions.WorksheetColumns.Add(new WorksheetColumnsRange("Sheet1", 1, 1));

using (Annotator annotator = new Annotator("input.xlsx"))