GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 21.3 Release Notes

Major Features

Below is the list of most notable changes in release of GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 21.3:

  • Implemented getting information about text coordinates in the documents for all supported formats
  • Generate document preview without rendering annotations

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

KeySummaryIssue Type
ANNOTATIONNET-1600Implement getting information about lines of text for EmailHtmlFeature
ANNOTATIONNET-1599Implement getting information about lines of text for DiagramsFeature
ANNOTATIONNET-1598Implement getting information about lines of text for CellsFeature
ANNOTATIONNET-1597Implement getting information about lines of text for SlidesFeature
ANNOTATIONNET-1596Implement getting information about lines of text for PDFFeature
ANNOTATIONNET-1642Generate document preview without rendering annotationsFeature

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

1. Generate document preview without rendering annotations

Since this update you are able to generate documents preview without rendering annotations on it.

using (Annotator annotator = new Annotator("input.pdf"))
    PreviewOptions previewOptions = new PreviewOptions(pageNumber =>
        var pagePath = $"D:/result_{pageNumber}.png";
        return File.Create(pagePath);

    previewOptions.RenderAnnotations = false;


To get more information about preview generation, please visit this page.

2. Implemented generation of text information for each page

Since this update you are able to get information about documents text content. PageInfo structure was changed and now it contains information not only about page width and height, but also about it’s text content. To learn how to use this feature please visit this page.