GroupDocs.Assembly for .NET 22.2 Release Notes

Major Features

Improved error reporting and working with arrays, and supported several exact date-time parse formats while loading JSON.

Full List of Features Covering all Changes in this Release

ASSEMBLYNET-205Add feature to support array type identifiers in template syntaxFeature
ASSEMBLYNET-206Support several exact date-time parse formats while loading JSONFeature
ASSEMBLYNET-217Add context to exceptions thrown while evaluating expressionsFeature
ASSEMBLYNET-207DocumentAssembler.AssembleDocument throws System.InvalidCastException for Word Processing documentsBug
ASSEMBLYNET-208DocumentAssembler.AssembleDocument throws System.InvalidCastException for emails with HTML and RTF bodiesBug
ASSEMBLYNET-209DocumentAssembler.AssembleDocument throws an exception for Spreadsheet and Presentation documentsBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Supported several exact date-time parse formats while loading JSON

A detailed description of this feature can be found in the “Accessing JSON Data” section.