GroupDocs.Classification for .NET 20.3 Release Notes
Major Features
Sentiment Classification (Analysis) was added.
Raw text classification speed has been increased several times.
All Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
CLASSNET-6 | Implement Sentiment Classification | Feature |
CLASSNET-26 | Increase processing speed for raw text classification | Feature |
Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes
Added a new class SentimentClassifier
It can be used without initialization of Classifier class. It requires less memory and initializes faster.
var sentimentClassifier = new SentimentClassifier();
/// PositiveProbability method returns the probability of the positive sentiment.
var positiveProbability = sentimentClassifier.PositiveProbability("This is a new must-have thing.");
Console.WriteLine($"The probability of a positive sentiment is { positiveProbability }");
/// Classify method returns ClassificationResult object with the best class probability and name.
var response = sentimentClassifier.Classify("This is a new must-have thing.");
Console.WriteLine($"The best class name:{response.BestClassName}, probability: {response.BestClassProbability}");
Added a new taxonomy: Taxonomy.Sentiment
Taxonomy.Sentiment can be used with Classifier class
var classifier = new Classifier();
var response = classifier.Classify("This is a new must have thing.", bestClassesCount: 1, taxonomy: Taxonomy.Sentiment);
Taxonomy.Sentiment contains two classes: Negative and Positive.
It also can be used with files
var response = classifier.Classify(filename, folder, taxonomy: Taxonomy.Sentiment);
or with file streams
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(filepath))
var result = classifier.Classify(stream, null, taxonomy: Taxonomy.Sentiment);