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Groupdocs.conversion untuk .NET 3.1.0

Unduh   Forum Dukungan 

Detail File

  • Unduhs:
  • 47
  • Ukuran file:
  • 41.6 MB
  • Tanggal Ditambahkan:
  • 3/17/2016


GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET 3.1.0 Catatan rilisNew FeaturesCONVERSIONNET-654 Return all supported conversions types with single methodCONVERSIONNET-655 Report conversion progressCONVERSIONNET-662 Autodetect source document type when converting from streamCONVERSIONNET-680 Implement document conversion from stream with auto detect source file typePublic API ChangesHow to get available save options for a document by file extensionconst string sourceDocument = "source.docx";// Setup Conversion configuration var conversionConfig = new ConversionConfig(); var conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(conversionConfig);var documentExtension = Path.GetExtension(sourceDocument).TrimStart('.');//returns IDictionary var availableConversions = conversionHandler.GetSaveOptions(documentExtension); //list all available conversions foreach (var name in availableConversions.Keys) { Console.WriteLine(name); } //use prepared save option for ToPdf conversion var result = conversionHandler.Convert("test.doc", availableConversions["pdf"]);How to get available save options for a document streamconst string sourceDocument = "source.docx"; // Setup Conversion configuration var conversionConfig = new ConversionConfig(); var conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(conversionConfig); var sourceStream = new FileStream(sourceDocument, FileMode.Open); //returns IDictionary var availableConversions = conversionHandler.GetSaveOptions(sourceStream); //list all available conversions foreach (var name in availableConversions.Keys) { Console.WriteLine(name); } //use prepared save option for ToPdf conversion var result = conversionHandler.Convert(sourceStream, availableConversions["pdf"]); How to get conversion progressconst string sourceFileName = "sample.doc"; //TODO: Put the source filename here // Setup Conversion configuration var conversionConfig = new ConversionConfig { CachePath = "cache", StoragePath = "." }; var conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(conversionConfig); conversionHandler.ConversionProgress += ConversionProgressHandler; var resultPath = conversionHandler.Convert(sourceFileName, new PdfSaveOptions { OutputType = OutputType.String }); Console.WriteLine("The conversion finished. The result can be located here: {0}. Press > to exit.", resultPath); Console.ReadLine(); Conversion progress handler private static void ConversionProgressHandler(object sender, ConversionProgressEventArgs args) { Console.WriteLine("Conversion progress: {0}", args.Progress); } For more information on features of GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET 3.1.0, see its documentation and examples. GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET 3.1.0