4.0.0 com.groupdocs groupdocs-merger Groupdocs.Merger https://products.groupdocs.com/merger 23.10 GroupDocs.Merger for Java allows you to merge documents and manipulate document structure across wide range of supported document types - PDF, DOCX/DOC, PPTX/PPT, XLSX/XLS, VSDX/VSD, ODT, ODS, ODP, HTML, EPUB and many others. Merge several documents into one, split single document to multiple documents, reorder or replace document pages, change page orientation, manage document password and perform other manipulations with GroupDocs.Merger for Java API. Features: * Document manipulations - Join multiple documents of the same format into one document; - Split source document to multiple resultant documents; - Ability to add, update or remove document password; * Document pages manipulations - Join arbitrary pages from several source documents into single resultant document; - Desired page numbers or ranges can be specified via additional method options; - Move document page into another position within document; - Remove specific pages or page ranges from document; - Swap pages position within document; - Trim makes new document with specific pages from source document of known format; * Document pages transformations - Rotate document pages; - Change document pages orientation; - Document rendering features; - Render document pages as .png image. Supported document formats: * Portable Document Formats - PDF (PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2a), XPS; * Microsoft Word documents - DOC, DOCX, DOCM, DOT, DOTX, DOTM, RTF, TXT; * Microsoft Excel spreadsheets - XLS, XLSX, XLSM, XLSB, XLT, XLTM, XLTX, CSV, TSV; * Microsoft PowerPoint presentations - PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX; * Microsoft Visio diagrams - VSDX, VSTX, VSTM, VSSX, VSSM, VSX, VTX, VDX, VSDM; * Microsoft OneNote - ONE; * Open Document formats - ODT, OTT, ODS, ODP, OTP; * Ebook - EPUB. For more details on the GroupDocs.Merger for Java API, please visit product website at: https://products.groupdocs.com/merger/java Note: GroupDocs.Merger for Java will run in evaluation mode. In order to test full features of the product, please request a free 30-day temporary license.