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GroupDocs.Merger for .NET 22.4

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File Details

  • Downloads:
  • 2
  • File Size:
  • 104.3 MB
  • Date Added:
  • 4/25/2022

Release Notes


This contains the MSI installer of GroupDocs.Merger for .NET 22.4

File Details

Stitch JPG, BMP, PNG Images

This API release introduces the support to join images of the JPG, BMP, and PNG formats.

The following C# code snippet shows how to create a photo collage of JPG images using API:

// Load the source image file
using (Merger merger = new Merger(@"c:\sample1.jpg"))
    // Define image join options with horizontal join mode
    ImageJoinOptions joinOptions = new ImageJoinOptions(ImageJoinMode.Horizontal);
    // Add another image file to merge
    merger.Join(@"c:\sample2.jpg", joinOptions);
    // Define image join options with vertical join mode
    joinOptions = new ImageJoinOptions(ImageJoinMode.Vertical);
    // Add next image file to merge
    merger.Join(@"c:\sample3.jpg", joinOptions);
    // Merge image files and save result

Merge Documents without Page Breaks

Ability for merging documents without having page break between the last page of the first document and first page of the second document. This means that both of these pages will be joined as one page instead of two pages.

The following C# code sample shows joining two DOC files into one (using API) without having any page break in between.

// Load the source DOC file
using (Merger merger = new Merger(@"c:\sample1.doc"))
    // Define Word join options
    WordJoinOptions joinOptions = new WordJoinOptions();
    joinOptions.Mode = WordJoinMode.Continuous;
    // Add another DOC file to merge
    merger.Join(@"c:\sample2.doc", joinOptions);
    // Merge DOC files and save result

For a complete list of features, enhancements, and bug fixes in this release please visit, GroupDocs.Merger for .NET 22.4 Release Notes.
