GroupDocs.Merger for .NET 23.12 Release Notes

There are a few features in this release.

Full list of changes in this release

MERGERNET-1371FeatureImplement new PageBuilder class to merge pages in arbitrary order
MERGERNET-1548FixSVG merger produced corrupted images

Major features

  • Merging document pages in arbitrary order

Starting from GroupDocs.Merger for .NET 23.12 it is now possible to merge pages from different documents in any order that you want. For example, you can merge the 3rd page from Document A with the 5th page from Document B, and then with the 2nd page from Document A. To carry out this task, a new PageBuilder class has been introduced. It defines the order of document pages according to your needs and then applies it to the merged document. For more information on this feature, please refer to the Merge pages in the arbitrary order section.

Public API and backward incompatible changes
