GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET 19.5.1 Release Notes

Major Features

There are the following features, enhancements and fixes in this release:

  • Fix “Invalid xls format” exception when loading Excel worksheet

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

METADATANET-2909“Invalid xls format” exception when loading Excel worksheetBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

“Invalid xls format” exception when loading Excel worksheet

The exception occurred because of a problematic Excel file saved in the Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 format which GroupDocs.Metadata was unable to recognize. This release adds support for such files so they can be loaded by the library. Please note that GroupDocs.Metadata automatically updates Excel 5.0/95 workbooks to the Excel 97-2003 format during saving. Both these formats have the same extension (.xls) so regular users won’t see any difference between the loaded and saved file.

Public API changes in .Net version


Use cases

Load a Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 workbook

using (XlsFormat format = new XlsFormat(@"D:\input95.xls"))
	// Work with the workbook as you normally do with all other Excel files
	// ...

	// Please note that it will be saved in the Excel 97-2003 format