GroupDocs.Parser for .NET 24.4 Release Notes

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

PARSERNET-2306Implement the ability to customize recognition quality options of barcode scanningFeature
PARSERNET-2307Implement the ability to read damaged and distorted barcodeFeature

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Ability to customize recognition quality options of barcode scanning


This feature allows to customize the image and barcode quality to tune the barcode parsing speed and accuracy.

Public API changes

Parser public class was updated with changes as follows:

  • GetBarcodes(PageAreaOptions) and GetBarcodes(int, PageAreaOptions) methods were marked as Obsolete;

  • Added GetBarcodes(BarcodeOptions) method;

  • Added GetBarcodes(int, BarcodeOptions) method.

PageBarcodeArea public class was updated with changes as follows:

  • PageBarcodeArea(string, string, Page, Rectangle) consturctor was marked as Obsolete;

  • Added PageBarcodeArea(string, string, int, double, Page, Rectangle) constructor;

  • Added Confidence property;

  • Added Angle property.

BarcodeOptions public class was added.

QualityMode public enum was added.


The following example shows how to extract barcodes with additional options from a document:

// Create an instance of Parser class
using (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SamplePdfWithBarcodes))
    // Check if the document supports barcodes extraction
    if (!parser.Features.Barcodes)
        Console.WriteLine("Document doesn't support barcodes extraction.");

    // Create the options which are used for barcodes extraction
    BarcodeOptions options = new BarcodeOptions(QualityMode.Low, QualityMode.Low, "QR");

    // Extract barcodes from the document.
    IEnumerable<PageBarcodeArea> barcodes = parser.GetBarcodes(options);

    // Iterate over barcodes
    foreach (PageBarcodeArea barcode in barcodes)
        // Print the page index
        Console.WriteLine("Page: " + barcode.Page.Index.ToString());
        // Print the barcode value
        Console.WriteLine("Value: " + barcode.Value);

Ability to customize recognition quality options of barcode scanning


This feature allows to read damaged and distorted barcodes.


The following example shows how to extract corrupted barcodes from a document:

// Create an instance of Parser class
using (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SampleCorruptedBarcodes))
    // Check if the document supports barcodes extraction
    if (!parser.Features.Barcodes)
        Console.WriteLine("Document doesn't support barcodes extraction.");

    // Create the options which are used for barcodes extraction
    // The full constructor is used to set AllowIncorrectBarcodes property
    BarcodeOptions options = new BarcodeOptions(null, QualityMode.Low, QualityMode.Low, null, true, "pdf417", "QR");

    // Extract barcodes from the document.
    IEnumerable<PageBarcodeArea> barcodes = parser.GetBarcodes(options);

    // Iterate over barcodes
    foreach (PageBarcodeArea barcode in barcodes)
        // Print the page index
        Console.WriteLine("Page: " + barcode.Page.Index.ToString());
        // Print the barcode value
        Console.WriteLine("Value: " + barcode.Value);
        // Print the confidence:
        Console.WriteLine("Confidence: " + barcode.Confidence.ToString());