GroupDocs.Search for Java 20.4 Release Notes

Major Features

There are the following new features and improvements in this release:

  • Add MailFieldNames class containing e-mail field names
  • Implement index statuses reflecting possible operations
  • Remove Legacy namespace
  • Implement options for metadata indexing
  • Implement changing path without reindexing for renamed documents
  • Implement ability to change attributes of indexed documents without reindexing

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

SEARCHNET-2127Add MailFieldNames class containing e-mail field namesImprovement
SEARCHNET-2160Implement index statuses reflecting possible operationsImprovement
SEARCHNET-2185Remove Legacy namespaceImprovement
SEARCHNET-2186Implement options for metadata indexingImprovement
SEARCHNET-215Implement changing path without reindexing for renamed documentsNew Feature
SEARCHNET-2134Implement ability to change attributes of indexed documents without reindexingNew Feature

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Add MailFieldNames class containing e-mail field names

This improvement adds the MailFieldNames class, which contains constants with values of field names of mail documents.

Public API changes

Static class MailFieldNames has been added to package.
Constant String MailMessageBody has been added to class.
Constant String MailSenderName has been added to class.
Constant String MailDisplayTo has been added to class.
Constant String MailSubject has been added to class.

Use cases

This example shows how to use field names constants to search specific fields of documents:

String indexFolder = "c:\\MyIndex";
String documentFolder = "c:\\MyDocuments";
// Creating index
Index index = new Index(indexFolder);
// Adding documents to index
// Searching
SearchResult result = + ": meeting");

Implement index statuses reflecting possible operations

This improvement brings order to the set of statuses of the index, and also clarifies the type of operation being performed.

Public API changes

Field NotStarted has been deleted from class.
Field InProgress has been deleted from class.
Field LicenseRestrictionFinished has been deleted from class.
Field Indexing has been added to class.
Field Updating has been added to class.
Field Merging has been added to class.
Field Optimizing has been added to class.
Field Deleting has been added to class.

Field Deleting has been added to class.
Field Optimizing has been added to class.

Use cases

This example shows how to get information about changing the status of an index and completing the index operation:

String indexFolder = "c:\\MyIndex";
String documentFolder = "c:\\MyDocuments";
// Creating index
Index index = new Index(indexFolder);
// Subscribing to event
index.getEvents().StatusChanged.add(new EventHandler<BaseIndexEventArgs>() {
    public void invoke(Object sender, BaseIndexEventArgs args) {
        System.out.println("Index status: " + args.getStatus());
// Subscribing to event
index.getEvents().OperationFinished.add(new EventHandler<OperationFinishedEventArgs>() {
    public void invoke(Object sender, OperationFinishedEventArgs args) {
        System.out.println("Operation finished: " + args.getOperationType());
// Starting indexing operation

Remove Legacy namespace

All types from the package have been removed.

Public API changes

All types from the package have been removed.

Use cases


Implement options for metadata indexing

This improvement adds the getMetadataIndexingOptions() method to IndexingOptionsUpdateOptions, and TextOptions classes. The MetadataIndexingOptions class contains the following methods for setting metadata indexing options:

  • The setIndexingEmptyValues(boolean) property sets a value indicating whether to index empty field values or not. The default value is true.
  • The setIndexingEmptyNames(boolean) property sets a value indicating whether to index empty field names or not. The default value is true.
  • The setDefaultFieldName(String) property sets the default field name used to index empty field names. The default value is “unknown”.
  • The setSeparatorInCompoundName(String) property sets the separator in the compound name of a field. The default value is “.” (period character).
  • The setMaxBytesToIndexField(int) property sets the maximum number of values indexed from an array of byte values. The default value is int.MaxValue.
  • The setMaxIntsToIndexField(int) property sets the maximum number of values indexed from an array of int values. The default value is int.MaxValue.
  • The setMaxLongsToIndexField(int) property sets the maximum number of values indexed from an array of long values. The default value is int.MaxValue.
  • The setMaxDoublesToIndexField(int) property sets the maximum number of values indexed from an array of double values. The default value is int.MaxValue.
  • The setSeparatorBetweenValues(String) property sets the separator between values in a field of type array. The default value is " " (space character).
Public API changes

Class MetadataIndexingOptions has been added to package.
Method boolean getIndexingEmptyValues() has been added to class.
Method void setIndexingEmptyValues(boolean) has been added to class.
Method boolean getIndexingEmptyNames() has been added to class.
Method void setIndexingEmptyNames(boolean) has been added to class.
Method String getDefaultFieldName() has been added to class.
Method void setDefaultFieldName(String) has been added to class.
Method String getSeparatorInCompoundName() has been added to class.
Method void setSeparatorInCompoundName(String) has been added to class.
Method int getMaxBytesToIndexField() has been added to class.
Method void setMaxBytesToIndexField(int) has been added to class.
Method int getMaxIntsToIndexField() has been added to class.
Method void setMaxIntsToIndexField(int) has been added to class.
Method int getMaxLongsToIndexField() has been added to class.
Method void setMaxLongsToIndexField(int) has been added to class.
Method int getMaxDoublesToIndexField() has been added to class.
Method void setMaxDoublesToIndexField(int) has been added to class.
Method String getSeparatorBetweenValues() has been added to class.
Method void setSeparatorBetweenValues(String) has been added to class.

Method MetadataIndexingOptions getMetadataIndexingOptions() has been added to class.
Method MetadataIndexingOptions getMetadataIndexingOptions() has been added to class.
Method MetadataIndexingOptions getMetadataIndexingOptions() has been added to class.

Use cases

This example demonstrates how to set the metadata indexing options:

String indexFolder = "c:\\MyIndex";
String documentFolder = "c:\\MyDocuments";
// Creating an index
Index index = new Index(indexFolder);
// Setting the metadata indexing options
IndexingOptions options = new IndexingOptions();
// Starting indexing operation
index.add(documentFolder, options);

Implement changing path without reindexing for renamed documents

This feature allows you to notify an index about renaming or moving to another location an indexed document. After notification, when calling the Update method, the document will not be reindexed even if its contents have changed.

Public API changes

Field Renaming has been added to class.

Class Notification has been added to package.
Method Notification createRenameNotification(String, String) has been added to class.

Method boolean notifyIndex(Notification) has been added to class.

Use cases

This example demonstrates how to notify an index about renaming an indexed document:

String indexFolder = "c:\\MyIndex";
String documentFolder = "c:\\MyDocuments";
// Creating an index
Index index = new Index(indexFolder);
// Indexing documents in a document folder
// Renaming a document
String oldDocumentPath = "c:\\MyDocuments\\OldDocumentName.txt";
String newDocumentPath = "c:\\MyDocuments\\NewDocumentName.txt";
new File(oldDocumentPath).renameTo(new File(newDocumentPath));
// Notifying the index about renaming
Notification notification = Notification.createRenameNotification(oldDocumentPath, newDocumentPath);
boolean result = index.notifyIndex(notification);
// Updating the index
// The renamed document will not be reindexed

Implement ability to change attributes of indexed documents without reindexing

This feature allows you to add text attributes to indexed documents without the need to reindex documents. Added text attributes can be further used to filter search results.

Public API changes

Field ChangingAttributes has been added to class.

Class AttributeChangeBatch has been added to package.
Constructor AttributeChangeBatch() has been added to class.
Method void add(String path, String[] … attributes) has been added to class.
Method void add(String[] paths, String[] … attributes) has been added to class.
Method void addToAll(String[] … attributes) has been added to class.
Method void remove(String path, String[] … attributes) has been added to class.
Method void remove(String[] paths, String[] … attributes) has been added to class.
Method void removeAll(String path) has been added to class.
Method void removeAll(String[] paths) has been added to class.
Method void removeFromAll(String[] … attributes) has been added to class.
Method void clear() has been added to class.

Method void changeAttributes(AttributeChangeBatch batch) has been added to class.
Method String[] getAttributes(String path) has been added to class.

Method String[] getAttributes() has been added to class.
Method void setAttributes(String[]) has been added to class.

Method ISearchDocumentFilter createAttribute(String[] … attributes) has been added to class.

Use cases

This example demonstrates how to add and remove attributes from indexed documents:

String indexFolder = "c:\\MyIndex";
String documentFolder = "c:\\MyDocuments";
// Creating an index
Index index = new Index(indexFolder);
// Indexing documents in a document folder
// Creating an attribute change container object
AttributeChangeBatch batch = new AttributeChangeBatch();
// Adding one attribute to all indexed documents
// Removing one attribute from one indexed document
batch.remove("c:\\MyDocuments\\KeyPoints.doc", "public");
// Adding two attributes to one indexed document
batch.add("c:\\MyDocuments\\KeyPoints.doc", "main", "key");
// Applying attribute changes in the index

The next example demonstrates how to add attributes to documents during indexing and how to search with filter by attribute:

String indexFolder = "c:\\MyIndex";
String documentFolder = "c:\\MyDocuments";
// Creating an index
Index index = new Index(indexFolder);
// Subscribing to the FileIndexing event for adding attributes
index.getEvents().FileIndexing.add(new EventHandler<FileIndexingEventArgs>() {
    public void invoke(Object sender, FileIndexingEventArgs args) {
        if (args.getDocumentFullPath().endsWith("KeyPoints.doc")) {
            // Adding two attributes
            args.setAttributes(new String[] { "main", "key" });
// Indexing documents in a document folder
// Searching in the index
SearchOptions options = new SearchOptions();
// Creating a document filter by attribute
SearchResult result ="Einstein", options);