GroupDocs.Search for .NET 23.6 Release Notes

Major Features

There are the following features, enhancements, and fixes in this release:

  • Implement progress tracking for the optimization process
  • Implement the ability to open an index with corrupted files
  • Optimize the loading speed of a large index

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

SEARCHNET-2850Implement progress tracking for the optimization processEnhancement
SEARCHNET-2881Implement the ability to open an index with corrupted filesEnhancement
SEARCHNET-2882Optimize the loading speed of a large indexEnhancement

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Implement progress tracking for the optimization process

This enhancement adds an event to the index to track the progress of the optimization process.

Public API changes

Class OptimizationProgressEventArgs has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Events namespace.
Property Int32 ProcessedSegments has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Events.OptimizationProgressEventArgs class.
Property Double ProgressPercentage has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Events.OptimizationProgressEventArgs class.
Property Int32 TotalSegments has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Events.OptimizationProgressEventArgs class.

Event System.EventHandler<GroupDocs.Search.Events.OptimizationProgressEventArgs> OptimizationProgressChanged has been added to GroupDocs.Search.Events.EventHub class.

Use cases


string indexFolder = @"c:\MyIndex\";
string documentsFolder = @"c:\MyDocuments\";

// Creating an index
Index index = new Index(indexFolder);

// Subscribing to the event
index.Events.OptimizationProgressChanged += (sender, args) =>
    Console.WriteLine("Processed segments: " + args.ProcessedSegments);
    Console.WriteLine("Total segments: " + args.TotalSegments);
    Console.WriteLine("Progress percentage: " + args.ProgressPercentage);

// Indexing documents from the specified folder

Implement the ability to open an index with corrupted files

This enhancement implements the ability to open an index with corrupted segment files. Searches in the index with bad segments will be performed on non-corrupted segments, and the description of the error will be displayed for damaged segments.

Public API changes


Use cases


Optimize the loading speed of a large index

This optimization makes loading a large index from disk faster when it is opened.

Public API changes


Use cases
