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GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 22.4

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File Details

  • Downloads:
  • 6
  • File Size:
  • 109.7 MB
  • Date Added:
  • 4/6/2022

Release Notes


This contains the MSI installer of GroupDocs.Signature for .NET

File Details

Support SVG for all Signature Types

This API release introduces support to apply signature to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file type image documents. Some of the supported signature types are; barcode, image, metadata, QR-code, stamp, and text.

Setup Signature Ordering for Various Formats

A new feature has been implemented that allows you to setup the order position for page-oriented signature for Word® documents, Excel® spreadsheets, and image document formats.

The following C# code sample sets up the barcode signature order (top & bottom) on a document page using API:

public static void Run()
    using (Signature signature = new Signature("sample.png"))
        // create several signatures that intersect
        // # 1 create barcode option with predefined barcode text
        // this options will be on top
        BarcodeSignOptions options1 = new BarcodeSignOptions("12345678")
            // setup Barcode encoding type
            EncodeType = BarcodeTypes.Code128,
            // set signature position
            Left = 100,
            Top = 100,
            Width = 100,
            Height = 100,
            ZOrder = 2,
        // # 2 create barcode option with predefined barcode text
        // this options will be bottom
        QrCodeSignOptions options2 = new QrCodeSignOptions("12345678")
            // setup Barcode encoding type
            EncodeType = QrCodeTypes.QR,
            // set signature position
            Left = 150,
            Top = 150,
            ZOrder = 1
        // sign document to file
        List<SignOptions> options = new List<SignOptions>() { options1, options2 };
        SignResult signResult = signature.Sign(outputFilePath, options);
        Console.WriteLine($"\nSource document signed successfully with {signResult.Succeeded.Count} signature(s).\nFile saved at {outputFilePath}.");

Improved File Type Detection

The algorithm to detect the file type extensions has been considerably improved and now performs the file type detection more accurately.

For a complete list of features, enhancements, and bug fixes in this release please visit, GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 22.4 Release Notes.
