GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 19.9 Release Notes

Major Features

There are about seven new features, improvements and bug fixes in this regular release. In this update we tried to stabilize signing process with different file types, adjust using various digital signature properties and implemented z-order features for Text signature for different document types. Most changes are related to internal processes optimization, fixes with supporting djvu file types and improvements with Stamp signature. Here are the most notable changes

  • Introduced ability to specify z-order for Text signatures.
  • Improved and fixed signing process with passed digital certificates from internal storage.
  • Adjusted sign processing of djvu format files.
  • Improved Word Processing saving to various format routines.
  • Internal processes were adjusted and optimized.

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

KeySummaryIssue Type
SIGNATURENET-2254DigitalSignature property of SignDigitalOptions does not affect signing processBug
SIGNATURENET-2279Implement Z-Order for Text Signature for WordProcessing DocumentsNew Feature
SIGNATURENET-2278Implement Z-Order for Text Signature for Spreadsheets DocumentsNew Feature
SIGNATURENET-2275Implement Z-Order for Text Signature for Pdf DocumentsNew Feature
SIGNATURENET-2211Improvement of saving signed .djvu filesImprovement
SIGNATURENET-2210Improvement of WordProcessing documents saving to various formatsImprovement
SIGNATURENET-2200Implement Background Transparent for StampImprovement

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Base public class TextSignOptions wasextended with new public property ZOrder with integer type

ZOrder property

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets the Z-order position of text signature.        
        /// Determines the display order of overlapping signatures.
        /// </summary>
        public int ZOrder{ get; set; }

This field is supported for Spreadsheets, Pdf and Word processing documents.


Following example demonstrates signing document with Z-Order

Signing document with Z-order of Text signature

// setup source document file
string filePath = @"Sample.xlsx";
// instantiating the signature object
using (Signature signature = new Signature(filePath))
    // setup options with text of signature
    TextSignOptions signOptions = new TextSignOptions("John Smith");
    // set Z-Order
    signOptions.ZOrder = 10;
    // text rectangle size
    signOptions.Height = 100;
    signOptions.Width = 100;
    // if you need to sign all sheets set it to true
    signOptions.AllPages = true;
    // sign document
    string signedPath = @"signedSample.xlsx";
    signature.Sign(signedPath, signOptions);
    Console.WriteLine("Signed file path is: " + signedPath);