GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 24.2 Release Notes

The release of GroupDocs.Signature version 24.2 adds new feature and enhancement.

Full list of changes in this release

SIGNATURENET-4992★ FeatureAdded support for verifying signatures placed within the headers and footers of Word documents.
SIGNATURENET-5014EnhancementOptimized signature placement: Enhanced the positioning of images, stamps, and QR codes used as signatures within headers and footers for better presentation and functionality.

Major Features

Added support for verifying signatures placed within the headers and footers of Word documents.

🌐 We improved signature verification, allowing you to verify signatures directly in headers and footers of Word documents.

using (Signature signature = new Signature("sample.docx"))
    TextVerifyOptions options = new TextVerifyOptions()
        AllPages = true, // this value is set by default
        Text = "Hello header!",
        ShapePosition = ShapePosition.Header//ShapePosition: indicates the location where the text is expected, in this case the "Header"
    // verify document signatures
    VerificationResult result = signature.Verify(options);
        Console.WriteLine("\nDocument was verified successfully!");
        Console.WriteLine("\nDocument failed verification process.");