GroupDocs.Signature for .NET 24.3 Release Notes

The release of GroupDocs.Signature version 24.3 adds new feature and enhancement.

Full list of changes in this release

SIGNATURENET-4991★ FeatureAdded support for searching signatures placed within the headers and footers of Word documents.

Major Features

Added support for searching signatures placed within the headers and footers of Word documents.

🌐 We improved signature searching, allowing you to search signatures directly in headers and footers of Word documents.

using (Signature signature = new Signature(sample.docx))
    // setup search options
    TextSearchOptions searchOptions = new TextSearchOptions()
        // specify special pages to search on
        AllPages = false,
        // single page number
        PageNumber = 1,
        // specify text match type
        MatchType = TextMatchType.Exact,
        // specify text pattern to search
        Text = "John Smith",
        ShapePosition = ShapePosition.Header

    // search document
    List<TextSignature> signatures = signature.Search<TextSignature>(searchOptions);

    // output signatures
    foreach (TextSignature textSignature in signatures)
        if (textSignature != null)
            Console.Write($"Found Text signature: {textSignature.SignatureImplementation} with text {textSignature.Text}.");
            Console.WriteLine($"Location at {textSignature.Left}-{textSignature.Top}. Size is {textSignature.Width}x{textSignature.Height}.");