GroupDocs.Total for Java 24.2 Release Notes

Note: Starting from v23.12, GroupDocs.Total for Java is a separate JAR file which contains other products inside. This technique significantly reduces disk space required for using GroupDocs.Total for Java.

The v24.2 embeds the following products:

  • GroupDocs.Annotation for Java;
  • GroupDocs.Comparison for Java;
  • GroupDocs.Conversion for Java;
  • GroupDocs.Editor for Java;
  • GroupDocs.Merger for Java;
  • GroupDocs.Metadata for Java;
  • GroupDocs.Signature for Java;
  • GroupDocs.Viewer for Java.

Other products will also be embedded in the future.

We hope these changes enhance your experience and provide a more streamlined approach to using the GroupDocs.Total product. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to visit our free support forum.

Full list of changes in this release

ProductVersionRelease Notes
GroupDocs.Conversion for Java24.2Release notes
GroupDocs.Merger for Java24.2Release notes
GroupDocs.Search for Java24.2Release notes
GroupDocs.Viewer for Java24.2Release notes
GroupDocs.Redaction for Java24.1Release notes
GroupDocs.Metadata for Java23.12Release notes
GroupDocs.Signature for Java23.12Release notes
GroupDocs.Watermark for Java23.12Release notes
GroupDocs.Parser for Java23.11Release notes
GroupDocs.Annotation for Java23.10Release notes
GroupDocs.Comparison for Java23.10Release notes
GroupDocs.Editor for Java23.9Release notes
GroupDocs.Assembly for Java23.8Release notes