GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 21.1 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 9 features, improvements, and bug-fixes in this release, most notable are:

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

VIEWERNET-280Support for .ai (Adobe Illustrator) file formatFeature
VIEWERNET-2931Add Microsoft Compiled HTML Help (CHM) file-format supportFeature
VIEWERNET-2949Render multipaged PDF to single page HTMLFeature
VIEWERNET-3008Add Truevision TGA (TARGA) (tga) file-format supportFeature
VIEWERNET-3010Add Animated PNG (apng) file-format supportFeature
VIEWERNET-2934Add gdv prefix to all CSS class names in custom templatesImprovement
VIEWERNET-3018Add constructors to Viewer class that accept Stream instead of Func<Stream>Improvement
VIEWERNET-2950View DOCX in PDF mode exception: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.Bug
VIEWERNET-3019Rename RenderSinglePage property to RenderToSinglePage in HtmlViewOptionsBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Public API Changes

In this version we’ve simplified public API and added eight new constructors to the Viewer class that accepts Stream instead of Func<Stream>. The constructors that accept Func<Stream> has been marked as obsolete, so please switch to the new constructors as we’re planning to remove obsolete one in the future versions.

// The following constructors has been added
public Viewer(Stream stream)
public Viewer(Stream stream, bool leaveOpen)
public Viewer(Stream stream, LoadOptions loadOptions)
public Viewer(Stream stream, LoadOptions loadOptions, bool leaveOpen)
public Viewer(Stream stream, ViewerSettings settings)
public Viewer(Stream stream, ViewerSettings settings, bool leaveOpen)
public Viewer(Stream stream, LoadOptions loadOptions, ViewerSettings settings)
public Viewer(Stream stream, LoadOptions loadOptions, ViewerSettings settings, bool leaveOpen)

// The following constructors were marked as obsolete
public Viewer(Common.Func<Stream> getFileStream)
public Viewer(Common.Func<Stream> getFileStream, Common.Func<LoadOptions> getLoadOptions)
public Viewer(Common.Func<Stream> getFileStream, ViewerSettings settings)
public Viewer(Common.Func<Stream> getFileStream, Common.Func<LoadOptions> getLoadOptions, ViewerSettings settings)

GroupDocs.Viewer.Options.LotusNotesOptions class set as obsolete. Please use MailStorageOptions class, this class will be replaced at 21.4 version

public class MailStorageOptions class added to GroupDocs.Viewer.Options. This class provides view options for rendering mail storage formats like Lotus Notes (NSF)

/// <summary>
/// Provides options for rendering Mail storage (Lotus Notes, MBox) data files.
/// </summary>
public class MailStorageOptions
/// <summary>
/// The keywords used to filter messages.
/// </summary>
public string TextFilter { get; set; }

/// <summary>
/// The email-address used to filter messages by sender or recipient.
/// </summary>
public string AddressFilter { get; set; }

/// <summary>
/// The maximum number of messages or items for render.        
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>          
/// Lotus notes data files can be large and retrieving all messages can take significant time.
/// This setting limits maximum number of messages or items that are rendered.
/// Default value is 0 - all messages will be rendered
/// </remarks>
public int MaxItems { get; set; } = 0;


Fields were added to GroupDocs.Viewer.FileType class that reflects new file formats that we’re supporting starting from v21.1.

/// <summary>
/// Microsoft Compiled HTML Help File (.chm) is a well-known format for HELP (documentation to some application) documents.
/// Learn more about this file format <a href="">here</a>.
/// </summary>
public static readonly FileType CHM = new FileType("Microsoft Compiled HTML Help File", ".chm");

/// <summary>
/// Adobe Illustrator (.ai) is a file format for Adobe Illustrator drawings.
/// Learn more about this file format <a href="">here</a>.
/// </summary>
public static readonly FileType AI = new FileType("Adobe Illustrator", ".ai");

/// <summary>
/// Truevision TGA (Truevision Advanced Raster Adapter - TARGA) is used to store bitmap digital images developed by TRUEVISION.
/// Learn more about this file format <a href="">here</a>.
/// </summary>
public static readonly FileType TGA = new FileType("Truevision TGA (TARGA)", ".tga");

/// <summary>
/// Animated Portable Network Graphic (.apng) is extension of  PNG format that supports animation.
/// Learn more about this file format <a href="">here</a>.
/// </summary>
public static readonly FileType APNG = new FileType("Animated Portable Network Graphic", ".apng");

GroupDocs.Viewer.Options.BaseViewOptions class

GroupDocs.Viewer.Options.BaseViewOptions.LotusNotesOptions property set as obsolete. This option will be replaced by GroupDocs.Viewer.Options.BaseViewOptions.MailStorageOptions property at 21.4 version.

Fields were added to GroupDocs.Viewer.Options.BaseViewOptions class that reflects new view options for new file formats that we’re supporting starting from v21.1.

/// <summary>
/// Lotus Notes storage data files view options.
/// </summary>
public MailStorageOptions MailStorageOptions { get; set; } = new MailStorageOptions();

GroupDocs.Viewer.Options.HtmlViewOptions class

GroupDocs.Viewer.Options.HtmlViewOptions.RenderSinglePage property set as obsolete. This property will be removed at 21.4 release, please use RenderToSinglePage property.

GroupDocs.Viewer.Options.HtmlViewOptions.RenderToSinglePage property was added.