GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 24.1 Release Notes

This release includes two new features and 28 bug fixes.

Full list of changes in this release

VIEWERNET‑4658FeatureUnlink table of contents in Word documents
VIEWERNET‑3308FeatureMake ePub pages rendering as text, but not picture
VIEWERNET‑2641FixInvalid parameter exception when rendering PS file
VIEWERNET‑2791FixCache size is to big
VIEWERNET‑4244FixImage missing whilst rendering as HTML page
VIEWERNET‑7FixContent is shifted when rendering mht to pdf or image
VIEWERNET‑5FixIssue in Rendering PDF Document into HTML and Image
VIEWERNET‑11FixText not getting displayed on browser in HTML mode
VIEWERNET‑3605Fix“File type is not supported.” exception when rendering XML excel XLS file
VIEWERNET‑2994Fix“The number greater than zero is expected. (Parameter ‘width’)” exception when rendering XLSX file
VIEWERNET‑2851Fix“Image export failed.” exception when rendering DWF file on Linux
VIEWERNET‑3805Fix“Bit depth of 8 bits are supported for RGBA images.” exception when rendering PNG file
VIEWERNET‑3624Fix“File type is not supported.” exception when rendering XLS file
VIEWERNET‑3804Fix“Method not found: ‘Void Aspose.Tasks.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.set_SaveToSeparateFiles(Boolean)’.” exception when rendering MPP file
VIEWERNET‑3811Fix“Method not found: ‘Void Aspose.Tasks.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.set_SaveToSeparateFiles(Boolean)’.” exception when rendering MPP file
VIEWERNET‑3437Fix“PdfFileInfo is not initialized. Use constructors with parameters or properties for initialization. (Reason: Incorrect file header)” exception when rendering IGS file
VIEWERNET‑3265Fix“The number greater than zero is expected. (Parameter ‘width’)” exception when rendering CDR file
VIEWERNET‑2482Fix“Image export failed” exception when rendering SVG file
VIEWERNET‑3306Fix“Image export failed.” exception when rendering CDR file
VIEWERNET‑4098FixForRenderingByWidth, ForRenderingByHeight, and ForRenderingByScaleFactor values are ignored when rendering DWG to PDF
VIEWERNET‑3327FixSpecific DWG file loaded only when license set
VIEWERNET‑3737FixXLS file rendered incorrect
VIEWERNET‑4628FixEXIF metadata is not taken into account when showing JPG
VIEWERNET‑3779FixFreeze on save when rendering ODS file
VIEWERNET‑3331FixPDF file renders differently in Windows and Linux
VIEWERNET‑2904FixParticular PDF to HTML rendering issue
VIEWERNET‑3812Fix“Method not found: ‘Void Aspose.Tasks.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.set_SaveToSeparateFiles(Boolean)’.” exception when rendering MPP file
VIEWERNET‑2866Fix“The number greater than zero is expected. (Parameter ‘width’)” exception when rendering IFC file
VIEWERNET‑3504Fix“Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.” exception when rendering XLSX file
VIEWERNET‑3225FixFile is corrupted or damaged when rendering AI file

Major changes

Automatic rotation of JPEG images based on Exif Orientation tag

GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET automatically rotates and flips JPEG images based on Exif orientation metadata. This ensures that you always see images in the correct orientation, regardless of how they were captured or stored. For instance, GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET automatically rotated the following image 180 degrees to display it correctly.

Automatically rotated JPEG image based on Exif Orientation tag

When rendering to HTML or PDF, you can set WordProcessingOptions.UnlinkTableOfContents to true to unlink table of contents. For HTML rendering, <a> tags with relative links will be replaced with <span> tags, removing functionality but preserving visual appearance. For PDF rendering, the table of contents will be rendered as plain text without links to document sections.

The code example below renders a Word document with table of contents as a plain text without links.

using GroupDocs.Viewer;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
// ...

using (var viewer = new Viewer("resume.docx"))
    // Convert the document to HTML.
    var viewOptions = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources();
    // Unlink table of contents.
    viewOptions.WordProcessingOptions.UnlinkTableOfContents = true;

The following image illustrates the result:

Unlink table of contents in Word documents