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Render Word, PDF, Excel & CAD Files with Node.js Viewer API

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The package is available at and it can be installed via npm by executing following command:

> npm i @groupdocs/groupdocs.viewer

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GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java is a powerful file rendering API that simplifies the process of viewing and converting various file formats into accessible outputs like HTML, PDF, PNG, or JPEG. Supporting over 100 file formats, including Word, PDF, Excel, CAD, and more, this API allows developers to render content with advanced options such as embedded resources, high-resolution image generation, and multi-page conversion. The API operates seamlessly in Node.js environments without the need for additional software like Microsoft Office or Adobe tools. Ideal for developers aiming to integrate robust file rendering into their applications.

Render Word Documents

Render Word Documents as HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG

Convert Word documents to HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG formats without using Microsoft Word, allowing rendering within Node.js environments.

Create HTML Files with Embedded Resources

Generate HTML pages from Word documents with embedded resources like images, fonts, and stylesheets to simplify distribution.

Render Tracked Changes and Comments

Include tracked changes and comments from Word documents during rendering to HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG.

Render PDF Documents

Render PDF Documents to HTML, PNG, JPEG

Render PDF files to multiple formats, including HTML, PNG, and JPEG, for improved accessibility across platforms without needing Adobe Reader.

Render Spreadsheet Files

Render Spreadsheets as HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG

Convert spreadsheets such as Excel and CSV files into HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG formats for enhanced flexibility in document presentation.

Split Worksheets by Pages

Split worksheets into multiple pages when rendering them to different formats for better organization and viewing.

Convert All Excel Worksheets to One HTML File

Combine all Excel worksheets into a single HTML file, making the entire workbook accessible in a unified document.

Render Excel and Apple Numbers Spreadsheets

Render Excel and Numbers Spreadsheets as HTML, PDF, PNG, JPEG

Render Microsoft Excel and Apple Numbers spreadsheets to HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG formats without using Excel or Numbers software.

Render PowerPoint Presentations

Render Presentations to HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG

Convert PowerPoint slides into HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG, allowing easy integration of slides into websites or printed formats.

Render Hidden Slides, Comments, and Speaker Notes

Render hidden slides, comments, and speaker notes from PowerPoint presentations for a complete output in formats such as HTML, PDF, and JPEG.

Render Visio Documents

Render Visio Files to HTML, PDF, PNG, JPEG

Render Visio diagrams to HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG formats without the need for Microsoft Visio, providing flexibility in sharing and viewing diagrams.

Render CAD Files

Render CAD Files to HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG

Convert CAD drawings to HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG formats to enable easy viewing and distribution without using specialized CAD software.

Render CAD Drawings and 3D Models

Render 2D CAD drawings and 3D models to multiple formats, providing better access to complex engineering files in common document formats.

Render Project Files

Render Project Management Files

Render project files such as Microsoft Project plans into HTML, PDF, PNG, or JPEG, facilitating easy sharing and viewing across platforms.

Render EBooks

Render EBooks as HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG

Convert EBooks like EPUB or MOBI to multiple formats, including HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG, for convenient viewing across various platforms.

Render Web Documents

Render Web Documents as PDF, PNG, and JPEG

Render web documents such as HTML, MHTML, and CHM files into formats like PDF, PNG, and JPEG, simplifying the viewing and sharing process.

Render Text Documents

Render Text Documents as HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG

Convert text files like TXT and LOG to HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG, allowing easy integration into web pages or other applications.

Render Images

Render Images as HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG

Convert different image formats (e.g., TIFF, JPEG, PNG) into HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG to suit various application requirements.

Render Email Messages

Render Email Messages as HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG

Convert email messages from formats like EML, MSG, and MBOX to HTML, PDF, PNG, or JPEG for simplified viewing without requiring email clients.

Render Outlook Data Files

Render Outlook Data Files as HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG

Render PST and OST files as HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG to access the contents of Outlook data files easily within your application.

Render Lotus Notes Database Files

Render Lotus Notes Database Files as HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG

Convert Lotus Notes database files to HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG formats, providing flexibility in how the information is accessed.

Render Archive Files

Render Archive Files as HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG

Use the API to convert archive formats (e.g., ZIP, RAR) into HTML, PDF, PNG, and JPEG, making it easier to share or visualize content from compressed archives.

Retrieve Document Information

Get the Format Family and Additional Information

Obtain details about the document, such as its format family, archive folders, CAD layouts, or Outlook data folders, helping developers understand and handle the file appropriately.

Add Text Watermarks

Apply Watermark to Output

Add text watermarks to HTML, JPG, PNG, or PDF outputs for brand visibility and copyright protection using GroupDocs.Viewer.

Render to HTML

Convert Documents to HTML Format

GroupDocs.Viewer allows conversion of documents to HTML with embedded or external resources, optimizing the output for web integration.

Render to PDF

Convert Multi-Page Documents to a Single PDF File

GroupDocs.Viewer supports rendering multi-page documents to a single, paginated PDF, ideal for document management and archiving purposes.

Process Attachments

Save Attachments from Files

Extract and save attachments from supported document types, including email messages, PDF files, and archives, using GroupDocs.Viewer for comprehensive attachment management.

Cache Results

Implement Caching for Rendering Results

GroupDocs.Viewer allows caching of rendered documents, significantly improving performance by avoiding repeated rendering of the same content.

Supported File Formats

Archive and Compression File Formats

Format            DescriptionAutomatic Format Detection
BZ2Bzip2 Compressed File✔️
GZGnu Zipped Archive✔️
RARWinRAR Compressed Archive✔️
TARConsolidated Unix File Archive            ✔️
TGZGzipped Tar File✔️
TXZXZ Compressed Tar Archive✔️
XZXZ Compressed Archive✔️
ZIPZipped File✔️

CAD and 3D File Formats

Format            DescriptionAutomatic Format DetectionRemarks
CF2Common File Format✔️
DGNMicroStation Design File (V7)✔️DGN V8 is not supported as the DGN V8 file format is proprietary.
DWFDesign Web Format✔️
DWGAutoCAD Drawing✔️Supported formats: Release 11, 12, 13, 14; DWG 2000–2016.
DWTAutoCAD Drawing Template✔️
DXFDrawing Exchange Format✔️
HPGHPGL (Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language) Plot File            ✔️
IFCIndustry Foundation Classes✔️
IGSIGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) Drawing✔️
OBJWavefront 3D Object File✔️
PLTAutoCAD Plotter Document✔️
STLStereolithography File✔️

Database File Formats

Format            DescriptionAutomatic Format Detection
NSFLotus Notes Database File            ✔️

EBook File Formats

Format            DescriptionAutomatic Format Detection            
EPUBOpen EBook Format✔️
MOBIMobipocket EBook✔️

Email File Formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic Format Detection
EMLEmail Message✔️
EMLXApple Mail Message✔️
MBOXEmail Mailbox File✔️
MSGOutlook Message Item File✔️
VCARD / VCF            vCard (Virtual Contact) File            ✔️

Image File Formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic Format DetectionRemarks
AIAdobe Illustrator Artwork✔️Supported versions: 2, 3, 8
APNGAnimated Portable Network Graphic✔️
BMPBitmap Image✔️
CDRCorelDRAW Image File✔️
CGMComputer Graphics Metafile✔️
CMXCorel Presentation Exchange Image✔️Supported version: 2.0 with 32-bit precision (16-bit partially supported).
DCMDICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) Image✔️
DIBDevice Independent Bitmap File✔️
DJVUDjVu Image✔️
DNGDigital Negative Image✔️
EMFEnhanced Windows Metafile✔️
EMZWindows Compressed Enhanced Metafile✔️
EPSEncapsulated PostScript File✔️
FODGOpenDocument Flat XML Graphics✔️
GIFGraphical Interchange Format✔️
ICOWindows Icon File✔️
J2CJPEG 2000 Code Stream✔️
J2KJPEG 2000 Image✔️
JP2JPEG 2000 Core Image File✔️
JPCJPEG 2000 Code Stream File✔️
JPFJPEG 2000 Image✔️
JPMJPEG 2000 Multi-layer Image Format✔️
JPXJPEG 2000 Image File✔️
ODGOpenDocument Graphics File✔️
OTGOpenDocument Graphics Template✔️
PCLPrinter Command Language Document✔️
PNGPortable Network Graphics✔️
PSPostScript File✔️
PSBPhotoshop Large Document Format✔️
PSDAdobe Photoshop Document✔️
SVGScalable Vector Graphics File✔️
SVGZCompressed SVG File✔️
TGATARGA (Truevision Advanced Raster Graphics Adapter) Graphics            ✔️
TIF / TIFF            Tagged Image File Format✔️
WEBPWebP Image✔️
WMFWindows Metafile✔️
WMZCompressed Windows Metafile✔️

Note-Taking File Formats

Format            DescriptionAutomatic Format Detection
ONEMicrosoft OneNote Document            ✔️

Outlook Data File Formats

Format            DescriptionAutomatic Format Detection
OSTOutlook Offline Storage Table✔️
PSTOutlook Personal Storage Table            ✔️

PDF and Page Layout File Formats

Format            DescriptionAutomatic Format Detection
OXPSOpenXPS (Open XML Paper Specification) File            ✔️
PDFAdobe Portable Document Format✔️
TEXLaTeX Source Document✔️
XPSMicrosoft XML Paper Specification✔️

Presentation File Formats

Format            DescriptionAutomatic Format Detection
FODPOpenDocument Flat XML Presentation✔️
ODPOpenDocument Presentation✔️
OTPOpenDocument Presentation Template✔️
POTMicrosoft PowerPoint 97-2003 Template✔️
POTMMicrosoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Template✔️
POTXMicrosoft PowerPoint Template✔️
PPSMicrosoft PowerPoint 97-2003 Slide Show✔️
PPSMMicrosoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Slide Show✔️
PPSXMicrosoft PowerPoint Slide Show✔️
PPTMicrosoft PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation✔️
PPTMMicrosoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation            ✔️
PPTXMicrosoft PowerPoint Presentation✔️

Project Management File Formats

Format            DescriptionAutomatic Format Detection
MPPMicrosoft Project✔️
MPTMicrosoft Project Template✔️
MPXMicrosoft Project Exchange File            ✔️

Spreadsheet File Formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic Format Detection            Remarks
CSVComma Separated Values File✔️
FODSOpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet✔️
NUMBERS            Apple Numbers Spreadsheet✔️GroupDocs.Viewer supports version 3.5 and higher starting with v21.8.
ODSOpenDocument Spreadsheet✔️
OTSOpenDocument Spreadsheet Template✔️
SXCStarOffice Calc Spreadsheet✔️
TSVTab Separated Values File✔️
XLSMicrosoft Excel 97-2003 Workbook✔️Supported formats: Excel 2003 (11.0), Excel 2002 (10.0), Excel 2000 (9.0), Excel 97 (8.0), Excel 95 (7.0), Excel 5.0.
XLSBMicrosoft Excel Binary Workbook✔️
XLSMMicrosoft Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook✔️
XLSXMicrosoft Excel Workbook✔️
XLTMicrosoft Excel 97-2003 Template✔️Supported formats: Excel 2003 (11.0), Excel 2002 (10.0), Excel 2000 (9.0), Excel 97 (8.0).
XLTXMicrosoft Excel Template✔️
XLTMMicrosoft Excel Macro-Enabled Template                        ✔️
XLAMMicrosoft Excel Add-In✔️
XMLXML Spreadsheet 2003✔️

Text and Programming File Formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic Format Detection
AS / AS3ActionScript File
ASMAssembly Language Source Code File
BATDOS Batch File
CC/C++ Source Code File
CCC++ Source Code File
CPPC++ Source Code File
CSC# Source Code File✔️
CSSCascading Style Sheet
CXXC++ Source Code File
DIFFPatch File
ERBRuby ERB Script
GROOVYGroovy Source Code File
HC/C++/Objective-C Header File
HAMLHaml Source Code File
HHC++ Header File
JAVAJava Source Code File
JSJavaScript File
JSONJavaScript Object Notation File
LESSLESS Style Sheet
LOGLog File
MObjective-C Implementation File
MAKEXcode Makefile Script
MDMarkdown Documentation File
MLML Source Code File
MMObjective-C++ Source File
PHPPHP Source Code File
PLPerl Script
PROPERTIES            Java Properties File
PYPython Script
RBRuby Source Code
RSTreStructuredText File
SASSSyntactically Awesome StyleSheets File            
SCALAScala Source Code File
SCMScheme Source Code File
SCRIPTGeneric Script File
SHBash Shell Script
SMLStandard ML Source Code File
SQLStructured Query Language Data File
TXTPlain Text File✔️
VBVisual Basic Source Code File✔️
VIMVim Settings File

Visio File Formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic Format Detection
VDWVisio Web Drawing✔️
VDXVisio Drawing XML File✔️
VSDVisio 2003-2010 Drawing✔️
VSDM            Visio Macro-Enabled Drawing✔️
VSDXVisio Drawing✔️
VSSVisio 2003-2010 Stencil✔️
VSSMVisio Macro-Enabled Stencil✔️
VSSXVisio Stencil✔️
VSTVisio 2003-2010 Template✔️
VSTMVisio Macro-Enabled Template             ✔️
VSTXVisio Template✔️
VSXVisio Stencil XML File✔️
VTXVisio Template XML File✔️

Web File Formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic Format Detection
CHMCompiled HTML Help Format✔️
HTMLHypertext Markup Language Format             ✔️
MHTMHTML Web Archive✔️
MHTML             MIME HTML Format✔️

Word Processing File Formats

FormatDescriptionAutomatic Format Detection
DOCMicrosoft Word 97-2003 Document✔️
DOCMMicrosoft Word Macro-Enabled Document✔️
DOCXMicrosoft Word Document✔️
DOTMicrosoft Word 97-2003 Template✔️
DOTM            Microsoft Word Macro-Enabled Template             ✔️
DOTXMicrosoft Word Template✔️
ODTOpenDocument Text✔️
OTTOpenDocument Text Template✔️
RTFRich Text Document✔️

System Requirements

Key Requirements

  • Node.js: Version 16 or above
  • Java: J2SE 8.0 (1.8) or above

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows: Windows Server 2003 and later, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11 (x64, x86)
  • Linux: Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, CentOS, and other distributions
  • Mac: macOS

Development Environments

Compatible with any text editor, including Atom, Sublime Text, and Visual Studio Code.

Note: GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java does not require external software like Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. Follow the Installation Section for setup instructions.

Render PowerPoint Presentations to PDF

Convert PowerPoint presentations into PDF format effortlessly, ensuring high-quality document rendering. This feature is perfect for sharing presentations in a universally accessible format.

// Load the presentation file
const viewer = new groupdocs.viewer.Viewer("presentation.pptx");

// Set PDF output options
const viewOptions = groupdocs.viewer.PdfViewOptions("output.pdf");

// Render the presentation to a PDF file

Convert Word Documents to HTML with Embedded Resources

Transform Word documents into HTML format with all resources embedded, enabling seamless web integration and enhanced content accessibility.

// Load the Word document
const viewer = new groupdocs.viewer.Viewer("document.docx");

// Configure HTML output with embedded resources
const viewOptions = groupdocs.viewer.HtmlViewOptions.forEmbeddedResources("output.html");

// Convert the Word document to an HTML file

Generate High-Resolution Images from CAD Drawings

Convert CAD drawings into high-resolution PNG images, enabling detailed visualization for design reviews and presentations.

// Load the CAD drawing file
const viewer = new groupdocs.viewer.Viewer("design.dwg");

// Configure PNG output settings
const viewOptions = groupdocs.viewer.PngViewOptions("output_{0}.png");
viewOptions.setWidth(1920); // Set the width of the output image
viewOptions.setHeight(1080); // Set the height of the output image

// Convert the CAD drawing to PNG images

Product Page Docs API Ref Examples Blog Releases Support License

Render Word Documents | Render PDF Documents | Render Excel Files | Render CAD Files | File Rendering API | Node.js Viewer API | Convert to HTML | Convert to PDF | Render High-Resolution Images | Embedded Resources | Multi-Page Rendering | Document Management | Render Email Messages | Render Presentations | Render EBooks | Render Web Documents | Add Watermarks | Retrieve Document Information | Attachment Processing | Cache Rendering Results | Outlook Data Files | Lotus Notes Files | Archive Files | Visio Diagrams | Microsoft Project Files | Cloud-based Viewer API | Node.js Integration | 100+ File Formats | JavaScript API | NPM Package

Direct Download


GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java 24.8

This contains the NPM package of GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java

Added: 5/9/2024 Downloads:


File Size: 42.95KB


GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java 24.6

This contains the NPM package of GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java

Added: 3/7/2024 Downloads:


File Size: 42.95KB


GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java 24.5

This contains the NPM package of GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java

Added: 21/5/2024 Downloads:


File Size: 42.95KB


GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java 24.2

This contains the NPM package of GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java

Added: 7/3/2024 Downloads:


File Size: 42.94KB


GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java 23.12

This contains the NPM package of GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java

Added: 20/12/2023 Downloads:


File Size: 45.46KB


GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java 23.10

This contains the NPM package of GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java

Added: 2/11/2023 Downloads:


File Size: 39.03KB


GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java 23.8

This contains the NPM package of GroupDocs.Viewer for Node.js via Java

Added: 8/9/2023 Downloads:


File Size: 223.62MB