GroupDocs.Watermark for .NET 17.9.0 Release Notes

Major Features

There are the following features and enhancements in this release:

  • Ability to work with hyperlinks that are activated on mouse over (PowerPoint)
  • Ability to work with ODT files

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

Key SummaryCategory
WATERMARKNET-582Implement ability to work with hyperlinks that are activated on mouse over (PowerPoint) New Feature 
WATERMARKNET-609 Add support of ODT format New Feature 

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

This feature allows user to replace/remove hyperlinks that are activated on mouse over (in PowerPoint presentations).

Replace hyperlinks in a PowerPoint document


static void Main(string[] args)
        // Set license
    License license = new License();

    using (var doc = Document.Load<SlidesDocument>(@"D:\test.pptx"))
        foreach (var slide in doc.Slides)
            string oldUrl = "";

            // Assign null to remove hyperlink
            string newUrl = "";

            // Replace hyperlinks in shapes
            foreach (var shape in slide.Shapes)
                ReplaceHyperlink(shape, SlidesHyperlinkActionType.MouseOver, oldUrl, newUrl);
                ReplaceHyperlink(shape, SlidesHyperlinkActionType.MouseClick, oldUrl, newUrl);

                // Replace hyperlinks in text fragments
                foreach (var fragment in shape.FormattedTextFragments)
                    ReplaceHyperlink((ISlidesHyperlinkContainer)fragment, SlidesHyperlinkActionType.MouseClick, oldUrl, newUrl);
                    ReplaceHyperlink((ISlidesHyperlinkContainer)fragment, SlidesHyperlinkActionType.MouseOver, oldUrl, newUrl);

            // Replace hyperlinks in charts
            foreach (var chart in slide.Charts)
                ReplaceHyperlink(chart, SlidesHyperlinkActionType.MouseOver, oldUrl, newUrl);
                ReplaceHyperlink(chart, SlidesHyperlinkActionType.MouseClick, oldUrl, newUrl);

        // Save changes

private static void ReplaceHyperlink(ISlidesHyperlinkContainer hyperlinkContainer, SlidesHyperlinkActionType hyperlinkActionType, string oldUrl, string newUrl)
    if (hyperlinkContainer.GetHyperlink(hyperlinkActionType) == oldUrl)
        hyperlinkContainer.SetHyperlink(hyperlinkActionType, newUrl);

Hyperlinks of all types can also be removed by using FindWatermarks method


using (var doc = Document.Load(@"D:\test.pptx"))
    doc.SearchableObjects.SlidesSearchableObjects = SlidesSearchableObjects.Hyperlinks;

    // Find all hyperlinks
    var watermarks = doc.FindWatermarks();

    // Remove found watermarks

    // Save changes